Learn About Fused Glass
What is "Fused" Glass?
Sometimes it is called "fused". Other times "kilnformed" or just "kiln-glass". Occasionally it is even called "warm glass" (though with tempertures often reaching 1500° we're not sure why).
Whatever you call it - here's a description of what it is. ...
Fused Glass Technical Tutorials
Face-to-face classes with qualified instructors is the best way to learn how to fuse glass. But that isn't always practical - and sometimes we just need a good refresher. Here's where you'll find some of the best fused glass tutorials on the web.
Fused Glass Project Tutorials
We are always adding to our library of some of the best, original step-by-step fused glass tutorials for projects and techniques that you'll find anywhere on the web.
Paul's 10 Commandments of Fused Glass
The best advice for glass fusing looks a lot like the best advice for life.
How to Choose A Good Fused Glass Teaching Studio
This article reviews some common sense guidelines to help you choose a good studio to begin, or continue, your fused glass education.